Monday 24 August 2020

Dorset Surprises And Delights

Having visited the Dorset coast regularly over the last few years you begin to think that you've probably seen all the Monkey Puzzles there are to see, except of course any newly planted ones. However, such complacency was blown away on me and Nat's recent visit! What was really surprising was that all of the trees we saw were on roads we have driven on many times before on our visits, covering the stretch from Weymouth via Portland to Bridport.

Portland Road- Weymouth
Lanehouse Rocks Road -  Weymouth
Buxton Road - Weymouth
Garston Hill - Chickerell
West Street - Chickerell
The only down side of the trip was discovering the beautiful tree in Wool (post here) close to Monkey World had sadly died. The whole tree had turned brown and was clearly dead.

Monkey Puzzle Trees Seen - 576

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on more sightings. Living in Taiwan I have little chance to see growing monkey puzzles, but if I ever get back to Britain I plan to keep an eye out!
